By far, the most common question received in the treatment room is, “What product can I use to fix [blank] problem?” While I happily dispense my guidance to embrace using non-toxic, organic skincare, as it has proven to be a serious game changer for my own skin, reality is that this question frustrates me to no end.
Well, as most people know, when you want to lose weight, it means committing to being dedicated to a healthy diet and getting regular exercise for your body. While everyone would like to drop a few LBs by having a magic wand waved and making the fat rolls disappear, the fact is that undoing the damage of unhealthy habits requires real effort and investment in a beneficial lifestyle change. You can’t have Jennifer Aniston’s bod if you don’t put in the work that Jennifer Aniston has put in to have that incredible figure.
It is the same with your skin. The largest organ in your body is irreplaceable – and yet day-in and day-out I witness people regarding it – rather, dismissing it – like it’s an old pair of underwear they threw out last week. It’s very discouraging from my end.
I have clients who have been coming to see me for years who are still stuck on using their Cetaphil and Clinique products. To be clear, just because a product is portrayed as healthy for you in commercials or by so-called professionals in white coats, it doesn’t mean that it is. As point of fact, if you can purchase the product in Walmart, Target or even a department store (including Sephora /Ulta), the ingredients contained within are very likely the culprit behind the vulnerabilities of your skin. The reason for this is because compromises are made to scale up production to produce sufficient quantities to be sold in these stores. This scenario brings to mind a quote from the movie, Armageddon, which is about launching a rocket into space so contractors can save the world from an asteroid in its path. The character of Rockhound (Steve Buscemi) says to Bruce Willis’s character, Harry Stamper, “You realize we’re sitting on 45,000 pounds of fuel, one nuclear warhead and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder? Makes you feel good doesn’t it?” It is much the same with your skincare and cosmetics. The products manufactured to be carried in your local big box outlet or department store have been put together with barely passable ingredients to ensure everyone down the supply chain profits – except you and your skin at that end of that chain. The fact of the matter is, though, that every compromise you make to put subpar ingredients on your skin because it’s supposedly “cheaper” or “more convenient” or because “it’s been working OK” thus far, is the very reason your skin has the problems it has.
Similarly, your skin doesn’t look great because you continue to fuel your body with inflammatory foods that feed your Rosacea or your acne. Or, you deprive yourself of the hydration it needs by never drinking enough water, and then, you are still confused as to why your pores are clogged, you have dark circles under your eyes, and your skin looks listless.
Look, cultivating glowing skin isn’t rocket science. It’s just like anything else worth having in life. You have got to treat it well – nourishing it and caring for it with quality fuel inside and out, in addition to making sure it gets routine exercise (in the form of collagen stimulating facial massage) – if you want it to look beautiful. I can recommend you use all the best organic skincare products for your skin and tell you how to eat to ensure you have a healthy glow sustainably, but if you don’t actually LISTEN, and then walk that talk, (i.e. buy/use the healthy products, start adopting a healthier diet, and get committed to a regular facial routine), you’re skin will just continue to tread water where it is.
As my tough-love mother always used to say to me when I was growing up, “Don’t come crying to me with your regrets.”
If you don’t like the results you are getting then you must C.H.A.N.G.E.
You must choose to do better than you have been doing.
No fairy godmother is going to come save you. We’re in the #MeToo era now. It’s all up to YOU.
Choose to only use quality organic skincare. Commit to only fueling yourself with a healthy diet. Get regular facials.
It’s not Rocket Science. It’s just good skin. You can do it. I believe in you. Now, get busy making changes!
Get scheduled for a holistic facial with me. I’ll tell you what food your skin really needs – inside and out. I’ll even hook you up with all the organic skincare products you need from the Organic Oasis. I promise, I will TAKE CARE OF YOU, if you work with me. I can make so-called “miracles” happen with a little additional effort on your end. We haven’t been rated the best organic spa in Charleston for nothing!